Living a Supernatural Life

Meet Jeff and Tammy Yuen. Although this couple is based in Singapore their influence proves far reaching. Their childlike faith leads them to pray for the sick wherever they go and many have been healed. In more than one way, the Yuens’ lifestyle puts the super back in natural and empowers others to seek the Father with incredible zeal.


In 1995 the Yuens began meeting with a group called CORE, a community of Jesus loving friends. This unlikely group was formed by a New Zealand punk band, comprised of believers with a heart for society’s outcasts. At the time, most Christians wouldn\’t invite these people into their pews unless they gave up music or other things they loved. CORE, however, welcomed people with open arms, emulating the heart of Jesus.

With a huge grin, Tammy shared about the authenticity she experienced through CORE. She was amazed by everyone’s genuine desire to share the love of God. With friendship at the pinnacle of this unique group it is no surprise their outreach exemplified this value. Their witness was moved through music and fellowship. These punk rock missionaries didn’t fit the aesthetic but they were warm and hospitable, which left a lasting impression upon the Yuen’s.


Eventually the band left Singapore, but Jeff and Tammy’s hearts were ignited for missions. Jeff spent five months abroad with Hubert Chan, living Luke 10 style, and Tammy ended up attending YWAM in Melbourne, Australia. Tammy’s outreaches were in both India and Thailand where her heart grew for the people of Thailand. While Jeff and Tammy were apart, these years were instrumental in their current and future ministries.

After their solo stints abroad Jeff and Tammy were reunited and grew as friends. Around the same time the Lord brought Mark Geppert to Singapore for a season to pastor a church. Jeff wanted to visit this church, but it was far away from his home. In time, he convinced Tammy to join him and they made the trek together to attend. As it turned out, church can be a great place to kindle a budding romance. When Tammy attended she knew she was in the right place and hoped to be there for as long as Mark was leading this congregation. Through relationship, Jeff became the missionary intern for Mark, which lasted for a little over two years. These two years moved Tammy and Jeff beyond friendship. They were married in 2004 and two months later they moved to Nong Khai, Thailand as missionaries.

During their first year of marriage, the Yuens were encouraged by Mark to “learn the language, stay married and make four friends.” Throughout the two years they spent in Thailand, Tammy and Jeff also spent time with the local church, taught English camps, participated in Jesus marches, and led drama outreaches. At one point, Jeff managed to meet the mayor of a neighboring region. The mayor experienced healing in his body and opened doors for them to bring blankets to a particular village during the cold season. When they went to this village the mayor’s own men helped carry the supplies. The mayor also acted as an advocate by sharing his testimony of healing upon entering the village. All of the village heard the good news because of this man. These moments of divine encounters and supernatural meetings continually impacted the Yuens.

In 2007, Jeff received news his mom was diagnosed with advanced cancer. The Yuens decided to move back to Singapore, and shared the news about his mom’s declining health with some of their church colleagues and pastors back in Singapore. While Jeff and Tammy were on the flight home, those same pastors and colleagues visited Jeff’s mom in the hospital to share the gospel, and she gave her life to Jesus. Her salvation was the first of two miracles during this short season. Jeff heard from the Lord his mom would live through this terminal cancer. Sure enough, after making it through an important surgery his mom remains both healthy and cancer free to this day. At that time the Yuens were only just beginning to believe for cancer miracles but today these miracles are a common occurrence.


Shortly after settling back into Singapore, Tammy became pregnant with Josiah. With the birth of their first child and the natural transitions of life, they also began seeing growth within their spiritual community. This growth allowed the organic shaping of their group, Soakability, to begin. The Yuens would simply worship together with a group of a people and as they spent time in the Lord’s presence people were healed. News spread fast. As their numbers increased, their weekly worship night turned into a registered organization.

Soakability became infamous for both healing and the unconventional ways Jeff and his friends prayed for the sick. Jeff would take people to the streets, pray inside temples, and at times wear a superhero costume. Naturally, this drew a large crowd and many people experienced healing in their body. While people were clearly encountering Jesus, the unconventional ways in which Jeff prayed for the sick was perceived as unpredictable and dangerous to a few local churches. Pastors began warning people to stay away from Soakability.


Despite the rumors about Soakability being a cult, the Lord continued to show up. For the past five years, people from Soakability have gone out to different parts of Singapore on Sunday afternoon to prayer walk or set up a free healing sign to offer prayer for the sick. The group spends the majority of their time praying outside a temple in Little India, but they have recently begun to expand their reach. Within these five years, there have been over 25,000 healings in this area. The number of reported healings are decreasing each Sunday, but this is a result of many locals having already experienced divine healing in their body. It is apparent this group’s faithfulness is touching many people, including the local church.

Unity is a high value for Soakability and they welcome every single church who comes to pray for the sick. Street healing has become a normal occurrence for other churches. In fact, Tammy laughed when she shared  “there are now many spidermen out and about healing the sick in the name of Jesus.” Initially churches were warned to stay away from Soakability and their unique approach towards ministry. For the local churches to not only begin following Jeff’s example, but also emulate even the super hero costumes is a beautiful picture of the kingdom. The Yuens’heart remains, to see everyone living in the fullness of who they were created to be as God’s children.


In 1978, Billy Graham released a word for Singapore to be the Antioch of Asia. Next year will mark 40 years since this word was given. The Yuens are believing for the fulfillment of this word. They believe the Great Commission is for every disciple and it brings them joy to imagine so much unity within the body that it is no longer a one man show.

After spending any amount of time with Jeff or Tammy, to walk away without a smile and a heart full of encouragement would be especially difficult. Their childlike faith spills into even the most basic of conversations and effortlessly points back to Jesus. Jeff and Tammy offer the world a radical and unconventional picture of living life with the Father. So, if you find a superhero costume you know how to use it. Wink.


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