Every day around the world children are facing child trafficking, abuse, slave labor, parentlessness, abandonment, neglect, and poverty. To break these barriers for children, SEAPC partners with like minded local ministries to help provide parenting.

2022 Stats:
Charity Children’s Home
New Hope Children’s Homes
New Hope Children’s Homes was founded by Pastor Sinai Phouek and Somalay Y. Pastor Sinai and Somalay are survivors of the time of the Khmer Rouge. Despite the suffering, they both have wonderful testimonies of God’s grace and mercy. After meeting in Bible school and marrying in 1995, they founded Fellowship Word of Life Ministries and began planting churches nationwide. In 1998, some children whose parents had unexpectedly died were brought to Fellowship Word of Life Church in Phnom Penh. New Hope Children’s Homes began with these seven children and has since grown to 16 homes, caring for over 500 children. New Hope Children’s Homes vision is to build a new, young generation in Cambodia raised in the Word of God. In the future, NHO hopes to grow to one children’s home in each of Cambodia’s 25 provinces, serving at least 1,000 children.