Order Out of Chaos

\”In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.\” – Genesis 1:1

From the very beginning, God created order from chaos. He took an empty, formless, dark nothing and from it made everything. Think about the world you know. From amoeba to elephant, from the Pacific Ocean to the summit of Mount Everest, from hamsters to humans—all have a symmetry that only our all-powerful God could create. But the perfection God created in humanity succumbed to sin.

\”And (God) he said, \’Behold, I am making a covenant. Before all your people I will do marvels, such as have not been created in all the earth or in any nation. And all the people among whom you are shall see the work of the Lord, for it is an awesome thing that I will do with you.\’\” – Genesis 34:10

God saw the chaos that sin created in His peoples’ lives. Out of love and His perfect nature He provided Ten Commandments, a promise to bring order into the chaos of lives shattered by sin. These laws gave a framework for right living and for a relationship with Him. But the relationship that God created succumbed to sin.

\”For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.\” – John 3:16-17

Finally, God paid the ultimate sacrifice to redeem His wayward humanity from the chaos of their lost lives. Jesus—sinless, obedient, divine—conquered death and the grave to bring perfect order and peace to those who accept him.

Biblical history and theological precepts are great. But our world today seems to be in total chaos. War, terrorism, hunger, abortion, hatred, depravity—the list is seemingly endless. We were brought into this perfect world, and we messed it up. God’s rules are ignored. We were sent a Savior, and many reject him. What is a believer to do? Because the Bible makes it clear: God’s people are His plan to bring the lost to Him.

SEAPC is working to fulfill that mandate in concrete ways around the globe through multiple ministry outreaches. Small steps, forged in prayer, are being taken to identify needs and combat the chaos of lives that have yet to meet Jesus.

Nepali farmers in the Himalayas have a chaotic existence. One poor village where the SEAPC medical team had visited experienced a devastating landslide soon after. The entire town became buried under rubble. Houses, outbuildings, cook pots, everything gone. Everyday issues such as grinding poverty, rocky soil, government neglect, and other factors make it difficult for families to live.

SEAPC became acquainted with Man Dai, a believer in Kathmandu who came from and has a heart for the rural communities. Working with him and others, a family was identified who wanted to have a goat farm. With funds donated through SEAPC, he purchased fifteen goats. These reproduced into a herd of sixty. He now has ninety goats, some ready to give birth again, which will bring the herd to 100.

The farmer is selling goats to others who will now prosper. He uses and sells the goat milk. With that income he planted a vegetable garden, bought chickens, and opened a small grocery for his village. He has provided work for his neighbors, some of whom hope to become beekeepers.

Man Dai, who visits and is a conduit between the villages and SEAPC says, “Thank God for His provision.”


The physical void in this small community in Nepal has been filled. The spiritual darkness is being overcome by the Lord.

Order out of chaos.

Kashmir, India, a region of great beauty where God’s creation is manifest in towering mountains, rushing streams, and verdant valleys. It is also a place where there is violence and political unrest that has left the predominantly Muslim community in turmoil. And has resulted in many being blinded by flying bullets.

Pastor K, the Church of North India, and other believers are working with SEAPC as plans are finalized for a Blind School in Srinagar. With the expertise of Cecelia Manning and The Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children, the dream of bringing functional living to the blind will soon be a reality.

A building will be renovated and filled with equipment, teachers will be prepared, and community youth will learn to navigate and provide for themselves in the world. They will learn about Jesus. And even though their eyesight will not be restored, light will flood their souls through the Lord.

Also in Kashmir, John Bishop Memorial Hospital is bringing babies into the world in a safe, clean environment. The Nursing School is preparing young Muslim women to be healthcare professionals. They also are participating in daily devotions. In spite of local violence and endemic unrest, this Christian hospital and school are praying for each new baby and pouring Jesus into each student. The uproar of political agendas rages outside the hospital grounds. Inside there is calm and peace.

Order out of chaos.

Medical emergencies are times of great stress. Even in the United States, where there is an ambulance and trauma center nearby, chaos describes any disaster.

In Banteay Meanchey Province in northwest Cambodia, emergency services are vastly different. When a medical emergency arises, it is up to the people on site to manage it. Even in the schools, there are no trained professionals to handle injuries.

Zoeanna Shorthouse and SEAPC are working on this. Zoeanna has developed a program to teach basics of healthcare to local women who will go on to get a nursing certification. As the program progresses, the plan is to have a school nurse in each of the 488 schools in Banteay Meanchey.

On his recent trip to the area, Matt Geppert delivered the initial 30 of almost 500 first aid kits to be used in schools. Proper equipment, combined with professional training, will mean better healthcare for the students in this province. What once would have been situations fraught with anxiety, upset, and potentially lethal outcomes will now be managed in the best way possible.


Because people have answered God’s call, emergency situations and healthcare in general will be improved. Lives may be saved.

Order out of chaos.

What can we, as ordinary believers, do? First of all, no believer is ‘ordinary.’ We are children of the Triune God, His hands and feet to His creation. Not only have we been given a divine mandate, we have also been given access to divine power.

Pray. There are countless situations that need your intervention.

Give. Goats, bees, Blind School, Nursing School, first aid kits—all needs to be filled.

Go. Mission trips are scheduled this year. Join a medical team as a healthcare professional or a prayer partner. Be part of ministry, construction, children’s outreaches.

God has created an amazing world for us to nurture. He has given us a framework in which to function. And He has sent us a Savior to banish the darkness with the light of salvation. Let’s join with believers around the world to bring peace and joy in our generation.

In other words, order out of chaos.

\”The nations rage, the kingdoms totter; he utters his voice, the earth melts. The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.\” – Psalm 46:6-7

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