Nepal is known as “the roof of the world” because the Himalaya mountain chain towers above the landscape. And above the roof? There we look up to heaven and thank God for His creation of this beautiful nation. Blessed with a diversity of snow-capped peaks, verdant valleys, and rushing streams, Nepal has a mystique and draw that is undeniable.

Nepal also grapples with issues that affect the people both in real-time and also from a Kingdom perspective. A predominantly Hindu population, at 81.3%, it is also home to Buddhists, 9%, and Muslims, 4.4%. Christianity is at the bottom with 1.4%. There is much to lift to heaven.

Two years ago, massive flooding hit Nepal. Roads were washed away, bridges collapsed, property was damaged, lives were lost. Regions badly hit include Narayani and Gandaki Provinces. Sparse villages, already at subsistence levels, were destroyed in mudslides following the rains. All houses collapsed under the mud. The only two churches were leveled. Cook pots, animals, clothing, food supplies, gardens—all gone. The people slept in cornfields, with no place to go and no hope. Flood insurance, Williams Sonoma, and Nordstrom do not exist at any level, even if they had money to purchase a new beginning.


Into this gap stepped SEAPC and Cutting Edge Relief. Two years later, both churches have been rebuilt. The simple mud-plastered structure in Narayani is an outpost of Jesus in a remote land. Villagers have been supplied with cook pots and other necessities as they battle back from disaster. But returning to a pre-flood existence still means a difficult life. The work there continues.

Even today, there is no source of clean water within easy reach. Women must walk 2.5 kilometers daily—down and back up a steep mountain path—with water for their families and animals. It is backbreaking work, which often includes carrying an infant along with a water jug.

But progress has been made. A goat farm is now helping one village in Bagmati to prosper. It has led the farmer to share goats with others, to plant a garden, and to raise chickens as well. He now has a small grocery where his neighbors can buy healthy food. This year, bees were purchased to start a bee farm in Narayani, another good source of income for local entrepreneurs.

These are simple examples of current outreaches to Nepal. Teams have also gone to prayer walk, provide medical care, and to pray with individuals while supporting and encouraging local pastors and believers. More teams are being assembled to continue the work on the ground. Nepal is a fertile field that has been plowed in prayer and is now on the cusp of great harvest.

But more is needed. Please be in prayer this month as we highlight Nepal’s needs. God is moving in miraculous ways. It’s exciting, humbling, and inspiring to take part in His perfect plan for this nation—the roof of the world.

Prayer Needs

1. Charles and Susan Mendies, and Mendies Haven Children’s Home.

2. Man Dai, a local Christian worker.

3. Suman, working in local churches in Damauli.

4. Strength for the Nepali Church in the face of persecution.

5. For the safety of pastors, aid workers, and missionaries.

6. That idols will fall, and Jesus will stand.

7. The goat and bee projects as they help to revitalize communities.

8. A water project to bring fresh water to villages.

9. Reading glasses for those in need.

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