Lessons in Patience

Have you ever had the experience of smelling a scent that isn\’t there? Like the smell of someone\’s cologne or perfume when they are not around, or of a place you have been before? And have you ever wondered why this odd thing occurs? Do you think it is because we miss the person or place? Maybe a form of déjà vu or a memory?

I\’m no scientist, but I firmly believe it is one of many ways God reminds us to pray for that nation or persons. Every so often, I smell the scent of Nepal. That\’s right, I said Nepal. I know it sounds odd, but this is how the Lord communicates with me sometimes.

At the age of nine, I was very passionate about Jesus and finding my calling in life. I remember waking up every day and immediately putting my face on the ground, praying, giving thanks to God, and waiting to see what He would say. One of those mornings, God instilled in my heart yearning for the people in Nepal and all other countries surrounding the Himalayan Mountains. From that day forward, my heart never stopped crying for these countries.

Nine years of God teaching me patience went by, and I was blessed to have the opportunity to train with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) in New Zealand. It was the night when we had to decide on which country God was leading us to go on outreach when my heart jumped, seeing Nepal was one of the options. I was hesitant to ask God if Nepal was the nation I was to go to for outreach for fear of Him saying, \”Wait.\” And I was right. I grabbed my pen and paper and started to write the letters N and E… finishing it with a W. Then a space. Z-e-a-l-a-n-d. I felt the Lord asking me to serve in New Zealand during this time and that soon in His timing, I would be in Nepal. My mother\’s voice came to my mind reminding me that \”obedience is better than sacrifice.\”

So I whispered, \”I\’m trusting in you, Lord.\” And continued my life lesson on patience.

After finishing my training with YWAM, God gave me more opportunities to do missions work in different countries, but none of those countries were Nepal. God was asking me to be patient, just for a while longer. About a week into my arrival back home in Thailand, a friend from a local church near my hometown asked my mother if she, my sister, and I would like to go to Nepal for ministry. As I overheard the conversation, I asked God if this was \”the time\” He was talking about during my training with YWAM, and sure enough, it was. I was so happy I couldn\’t stop talking about it until we landed in Kathmandu.

As I got out of that tiny jet plane, the sun was setting and a gentle breeze passed by. At that moment, the scent of Nepali earth fused itself in my memory forever. I know now that whenever I get that phantom scent of Nepali air, God is asking me to stand in the gap and pray as my heart cries for this nation and the people.

But the moment when I knew with all my heart that I would be serving for the nation of Nepal is when Pastor Mark Geppert and Bill Richardson invited my mom, sister, and I to visit Mendies Haven, a children\’s home on the outskirts of Kathmandu. The sun was beginning to set as we walked up the steps leading up to the rooftop. The sky wasn\’t very clear, but you could see the outline of the Himalayan Mountains behind small puffs of clouds. I remember staring at the mountains and thinking about little nine-year-old Mercy bugging God about when she would be able to go to Nepal. That time had arrived, and I was there.

My heart was heavy, and I felt the Holy Spirit around me when Pastor Mark walked over and stood beside me, pointing at tiny bumps and curves of the mountains sharing testimonies and miracles that took place there. I just stood there soaking up every story He was blessing me with. I was in awe of God\’s creation and didn\’t know what to say or do. I just stood there. Trying my best to hold back tears, my heart was full of excitement, thankfulness, and eagerness to go and serve the Lord like the ones before me, but I could not hold it back any longer. My eyes started to flood when finally globs of tears streamed down my face. I was overwhelmed by Pastor Mark\’s testimonies and overwhelmed by God\’s grace and love He has shown me. That was the very moment I knew that I would be spending lots of time in Nepal and lots of time crying over the nations surrounding the Himalayas. That was the moment I was proud and grateful for the people who paved the way for me to serve as a missionary. That was the moment I realized my journey in missions was just beginning.


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