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Biblica de Paz team member praising God for His provision on the short-term mission trip

Youth on Fire: 5 Stories of God’s Provision on Short-Term Mission

by Leticia Shimizu Table of Contents Context: Youth on Fire Two months ago, Mikeiya and I (both members of SEAPC’s residency program) helped facilitate a ...

A Comprehensive Guide to Apostolic Ministry

by Jared Lenhart Table of Contents Keeping the Focus Where it Matters The apostolic ministry my family looks after, Frontier Harvest Ministries, which partners with ...
Rose bush in bloom

The Burning Rose Bush

by Benjamin Chua Table of Contents Hello there! My name is Benjamin Chua, and I work part-time at SEAPC as a “Storyteller and Community Connector” ...
Image of Pakistani flag and cityscape: a land ripe for God's blessing

“I need to know more about this Jesus.”

by Annie Buckles Table of Contents In the Western world, we tend to pride ourselves on our private, personal faith and blessings. For many Christians ...
Man behind bars in Guatemala who longs for a hope and faith that can only be found in Jesus.

Faith for the Generations

by Hector Zetino Table of Contents Risky Faith There are some scary gangs in Guatemala, and I want to tell you a little bit about ...

Stories of Change – Cambodia

Pastor Imani sent an update about the exciting mental health clinic that was recently took place in Zanzibar. What an honor to call him a ...

Rev. Jeff Yuen | SEAPC Friends Around The Table Asia 2024

At Friends Around the Table Asia, we were blessed by the ministry of Rev. Jeff Yuen. He a special gift for storytelling, a big burden ...

Rev. Yang Tuck Yoong | SEAPC Friends Around The Table Asia 2024

Those at Friends Around the Table Asia were greatly blessed by the speaking of Rev. Yang Tuck Yoong, who shared some key insights into spiritual ...
Young children watching the sunset in Southeast Asian country and praying for God's protection

Our God is a Protector, and Our God is Kind

Table of Contents We live in strange and trying times. But our God is the God who made the heavens and the earth, who loves ...
SEAPC Stories of Change - Zanzibar

Stories of Change – Zanzibar

Pastor Imani sent an update about the exciting mental health clinic that was recently took place in Zanzibar. What an honor to call him a ...

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