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Cambodia Update

NHO Kids Camp is always a highlight for the kids who attend, for the ministry partners who work alongside us, and for the SEAPC staff. ...

Short Term Missions Trips Are Available for 2024

Join SEAPC in changing the world by participating in a short term missions trip! There are opportunities around the globe and in every platform. Visit ...

These Children in Cambodia Gave over $1400 to Help Other Children in Need

An amazing thing happen this year in Cambodia. Children in homes across Cambodia gave sacrificially to meet needs of other children's homes and schools in ...

Baptising Kids at NHO Kids Camp Cambodia 2023

What an incredible experience to be able to baptize over 100 children at NHO Kids Camp this year! God is moving in Cambodia and around ...

Why Partner with SEAPC

Experience the life-changing power of child sponsorship through Sam's inspiring story with SEAPC. Witness the transformative impact on both sponsored children and Sam herself.

Prayer Walking Guide

Watch the video from John Paul Sprecher speaking about our Prayer Walking Guide by praying for revival and witnessing hearts change through the saving power ...

Myanmar Update

Discover the heartwarming work of Charity Children's Home in Myanmar, led by Chung Nung, leader of Acts Myanmar Mission. Watch our video update to learn ...
Japan Update 2023

Japan Update June 2023

Watch this brief update from our friends at Kumamoto Harvest Church in Japan. They are hopeful in praying and believing for the funds needed to ...
parenting update may 2023

SEAPC Parenting Update

Enjoys this encouraging update about the children our friends in Myanmar and Cambodia are serving. Visit our partnership page to find out how you can ...

SEAPC Healthcare Update

Take a moment to pray for the nation of Ethiopia, and to watch this video update from Matt Geppert. We thank God for the incredible ...

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