Throughout the lessons you will be prompted to go on prayer walks in your community. Our deepest hope for you through this course is that you will implement the prayer walking lifestyle in your daily life. In order to prepare you for this, you will have specific prompts on where to prayer walk.

Helpful Guidelines

Recruit a partner and go out and walk together praying for the community in which you live. Take an hour, although there is nothing special about an hour, it gives you time to exercise the spirit and your body (a double blessing). 


Take turns deciding the direction of your walk, and take notes as to what the Lord shows you about the place and the Scriptures He brings to mind and the thoughts you receive while praying. Avoid idle conversation, but be ready to greet others as they walk by. You never know what the Lord will do when you are in the gap.

Prayer Walk Challenge

For your first prayer walk, go to the spiritual centers of your community. 

This can include your church, other religious buildings, and the homes in your community.

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