Jehovah Rapha (The Lord That Heals)

When I was in middle school, I experienced a few issues with my back. It was nothing that prevented me from activities but just resulted in what felt like small aggravations. I remember being in gym class when they told us that the nurse was there to do scoliosis checks on everyone. This check was to help identify students who might have curvatures of the spine so that they could connect families with medical resources. Every student groaned about the interruption and hoped that there would be no reason to be taken aside by the nurse later after all checks were complete.


That day, I was the one who was called to meet with the nurse when she was done. She had noticed a curvature and would talk with my parents about the next step. I was embarrassed and scared. I had heard stories of people having to wear back braces or get surgeries and could only imagine the worst. My parents tried to ease my fears and said that they would set up a meeting with a doctor for recommendations.

Before they had a chance to schedule an appointment, a guest preacher came to speak at church one Sunday. Our church was full of believers who knew that we serve a healing God and were open to His supernatural work. The guest preacher shared the Word and then asked for people with back issues to come forward for prayer. I was somewhat apprehensive as I went to the front, as the only female in a group of all males. Most of them were hardworking men who had, more than likely, injured their backs at work or in sports. However, I had a sense in my spirit that God had “read my mail” and was responding to my need.


The preacher asked me about my back and I told him about the nurse’s concern. He asked me to sit in a chair nice and straight and then held my legs out in front of me. He asked me if I could see that one leg was slightly shorter than the other. I could see the difference and realized that this must be the source of the problem. Right then, while holding my legs up, the preacher began to pray over my back and legs. I opened my eyes when the prayer was over and looked down at my feet. My legs were the same length! The preacher had not pulled or adjusted my legs and, in fact, I had never felt them move at all, though they must have because now they were the same length!

From that day on, I never had another problem with my back! At the next middle school scoliosis check, the nurse did not later pull me aside to share a concern because there was none! God, my Jehovah Rapha (the Lord that Heals), had fulfilled His healing promise in my life as He would over and over again in years to come!


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