How We Serve

For more than 30 years, we’ve been
bringing projects to life around the world.

SEAPC partners with local ministries to make a difference in 4 key areas:

Investing in the education of children not only cultivates a brighter future for them, but also paves the way for a highly skilled workforce that can propel the country towards success.
SEAPC believes that parenting is vital. Children are the future leaders of their countries and SEAPC wants to give them the Christ-based nurturing and pathways to succeed that they need. Every day around the world children are facing child trafficking, abuse, slave labor, parentlessness, abandonment, neglect, and poverty. To break these barriers for children, SEAPC partners with like minded local ministries to help provide parenting.
SEAPC believes in the importance of the biblical principle of a person finding confidence in the work they do with their own hands. This, combined with education is a key to break the poverty cycle.
For SEAPC, the healthcare platform is the extended hands and feet of Jesus to people who need healing. For many of the individuals, it may be the first Christian witness that they have encountered.

Your giving changes lives.

Ministry Involvement

SEAPC measures its ministry involvement in a country based on a scale of 1 to 4.


Plow in Prayer

We have come into relationship with an individual who is fostering groups of prayer within their nation and is mobilizing prayer for national change.


Sow in Word

We have produced biblical resources and are teaching SEAPC core messages within the nation.


Water in Resource

Christ centers have formed and sovereign invitations have been received to share resources in areas of parenting, education, healthcare, and micro-economic development.


Harvest in Sending

Human, spiritual, and material resources are multiplying and being shared locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.

Nations Reached
Lives Touched
0 +
Orphans Housed
0 +
With your partnership, we can bring more Christ-based change to those in need.
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