Qualifying the Unqualified

As I write this from one of London’s royal parks, it has now been over three months since I was in Cambodia with a team of five amazing ladies from London. A lot has happened since then—including finishing up at my job of 2.5 years and starting a new one—but nonetheless, Cambodia stays forever in my heart.

A lot can happen in 12 days and we most definitely saw God at work. I was consistently reminded that it\’s not about what I have but rather it’s about my obedience to take the little that I do have and entrust it to Him. It wasn\’t about my ability to teach English nouns and pronouns, or my ability to lead a team, or even how well I know the Bible. But it was and always will be about Jesus.

My absolute favourite part of the trip (and there were many) was the praise and worship rocking from Hubert Tutwiler’s truck. We weren\’t necessarily all in tune all of the time (or at least I definitely wasn\’t!) but there is something so powerful about worshiping in unity. There were Holy moments of which I could never re-orchestrate. When the Holy Spirit moves you are forever changed and totally ruined. And ruined I was.


These beautiful children in the homes we got to visit are a testimony of God\’s goodness. When I look at them I see God\’s compassion, love, faithfulness, grace, and wonder. How can your heart not be moved? When you are overwhelmed and you feel like your heart is full, you look at them and they look at you with the biggest smile and eyes full of unconditional love for you that your heart overflows and you find tears rolling down your face. How can one just forget and walk away?

I could go on but there are two words that speak to me: “go” and “obedience.” You don\’t need to have everything, you don\’t have to be eloquent, and you don’t need to have the experience. God qualifies the unqualified. Go and follow Jesus on the adventure you won\’t regret it.


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