Grateful Heart

Yang is 13 years old, and she had heart surgery in 2011. She recovered very well after the surgery, and now she is almost as tall as we are. This family is very grateful for what SEAPC did for her. Her grandpa said that when she was having the heart surgery, their relatives and neighbors didn’t help them, but SEAPC paid for everything without any condition. They will appreciate this great love forever. We have been good friends for a few years since the heart surgery. They have been hearing the good news, watching Christian movies, and reading Christian books. Recently, one Tibetan brother went to visit them with us. He explained the difference between Christianity and Buddhism very clearly. Her grandpa and her father understood it completely, and they accepted the Lord as their savior. We thank God for this family. God is the Lord of the harvest! When we obey him for every little thing, he will make sure that our labor is not in vain.

~ Daniel and Gail

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